…Walk as children of light…
Ephesians 5:8

Light is something I take for granted — until the power goes out. On the rare occasions when the power is out, we can usually get out the flashlights and lanterns and create a temporary light source. But I remember the time I was leaving an unfamiliar office complex, and I went into a restroom I’d never been in before. It took me completely by surprise when suddenly the lights went out. I could see absolutely nothing! At least when I’m at home I remember where doors are and the general layout of the floor plan. But here I had to stop and try to think which direction I had entered and slowly feel my way along until I found the wall which led to the exit door. What a relief to step out into the bright daylight again.
How often do we take for granted the spiritual light we have been given? Do you ever think what life would be like if Jesus, the “light of the world,” had not come? Those of us who are walking with the Lord have the incredible gift of His offer of wisdom and direction for every decision we must make, strength in the midst of any circumstance, certain hope for whatever the future holds. We have the Bible, God’s Word, which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105). We have the light, God’s truth, which shows us the way to freedom from enslavement to sin and fear.
Once we know Jesus, the true Light of the World, we are told to walk as children of light. Matthew 5:14 says that we are the light of the world. We are to be the light that draws others to the Lord. I originally wrote this devotional before any of us had even heard of the Coronavirus which is now causing devastating effects in the lives of people around the world. I am convicted by my lack of concern for the many who are still in darkness, living in fear, without hope that can only be found in a personal relationship with Jesus. I’m challenged not to just be satisfied with the light I have been given to walk with the Lord, but to take seriously God’s call to represent Him to others, to share His light and truth, to let my light shine so others will be drawn to Jesus. I’m encouraged to pray that the Lord will awaken a deep concern in my heart for those who do not yet know Him. I’m asking Him for opportunities to shine His light through me so that others might find the way to Him.
This world has changed so dramatically in the last few months. So many are suffering in these confusing, unsettling, uncertain times, fearing for their health and loved ones, the potential loss of jobs, businesses. But God never changes. He is still sovereign. He still reaches out with the offer of forgiveness of sin, salvation, wisdom, strength, hope, and abundant life through a relationship with Jesus through faith. I want to share the Good News with others who don’t know Him. People need the Lord! May God open doors of opportunity to share His love and His truth so that others may be drawn to Him.
Read Ephesians 5, the entire chapter. This will help clarify “walking in the light” and “walking in darkness.”
What does it mean to walk in the light?
What is the condition of someone who is walking in spiritual darkness?
Who do you know personally who is still walking in darkness? What can you do to be “light” to that person?