Bear Fruit by Abiding

I am the vine, you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.

John 15:5

I love this picture of what the Lord desires for our relationship with Him.  He wants us to be as closely connected to Him as a branch is attached to the vine. 

The Lord calls us to a relationship with Himself as our source of spiritual life.  He desires us to “bear fruit.”   What is the fruit that will be evident in our life as we are connected to Him?  In Galatians 5:22 we find a list of the fruit of the Spirit: 










One Bible teacher defined self-control as “Self under the control of the Holy Spirit.” I especially like that definition! Instead of just gritting my teeth to control myself and my attitudes or my words, I can depend on the Holy Spirit and trust Him to produce in me whatever is needed at the moment.

As followers of Jesus, we have the Holy Spirit living in us, and He produces these attributes in us.  But it doesn’t happen immediately or automatically.  It is a growth process that begins when we are born again and then continues throughout our life.  We can’t just try harder on our own to produce this fruit of the Spirit.  The fruit will be produced as we stay connected to Him. 

How do we do that?  Our relationship with Him grows stronger as we spend time with Him in prayer, studying His Word, and responding to His teaching.  Bearing fruit requires a choice on our part to stay connected to Him, cooperating with Holy Spirit as we trust, obey, and depend on Him moment by moment throughout each day.

A branch no longer attached to the vine will wither and die because it has lost its source of nutrients necessary for life.  If we turn away from God, refuse to listen and obey, our spiritual life will suffer.  If we stay connected to Him, He works in us to fulfill His purpose for our life.  As we seek Him and His will, we gain a sense of His pleasure and the fulfillment of meaning and purpose. Our lives will show evidence of the fruit He desires to produce in us. He will use us to encourage others in their walk with Him.


Look again at the above list of the Fruit of the Spirit.  Do you see evidence of this fruit in your life?

Ask the Lord to show you what needs to change in your life to bring about the fruit that He desires.

What steps will you take to be obedient to what He has shown you?

The Shelter of His Wings

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty… He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge…

                                                                    Psalm 91:1, 4

Security.  It is one of our basic needs.  But where do we go to find it?  When our physical, emotional, or spiritual safety is threatened, what should be our response?  The fact that we will often need a place of safety and refuge from the turmoil of the world should come as no surprise to us.  We are clearly warned that the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).  The problem comes in our decision of where to seek shelter.

            Here is the situation we read in Jeremiah, chapters 39-44.  The people of Judah had been released from captivity in Babylon.  They had returned to Judah from all the nations where they had been scattered.  They were feeling very weak, vulnerable and fearful.  The people gathered together and asked Jeremiah the prophet to pray for direction from the Lord about what they should do.  The Lord answered very clearly that they were to stay in their land and not fear the king of Babylon.  He promised to be with them, to save them and deliver them from the king’s hand.  He warned them very specifically not to go to Egypt for protection and what the consequences would be if they did go.  There would be famine and war and there would be no survivors.  Jeremiah came back with this clear answer, and the people accused him of telling a lie!  Sadly, they did not listen to the word of the Lord.  Against God’s explicit direction, they marched straight down to Egypt for protection!  They chose to trust a mighty nation for their protection instead of relying on God and obeying Him.

            Once again, I am shocked at the outright disobedience of the Israelites — until I look at my own life and see that I have done the same thing.  God has clearly shown me not to go a certain direction and warned what the consequences would be.  But my mind was made up to do what I wanted to do.

         God’s heart is broken over His rebellious children.  O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,…How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling (Matthew 23:37).  He longs to provide a place of security, a place of comfort and refuge.  But often we refuse what He offers.  We can hear sermons, we can know what the Bible says, we can listen to the advice of Christian friends, and still stubbornly refuse what God is saying to us.  Read His words in Isaiah 30:1-2: 

            Woe to the rebellious children…who execute a plan, but not Mine, and make an alliance but not of my Spirit, in order to add sin to sin; who proceed down to Egypt without consulting Me, to take refuge in the safety of Pharaoh.

            Think of times you have refused God’s clear direction in your own life.  Think of the consequences you paid.  What is your “Egypt?”  What is it you run to for protection instead of running to God?  Is it your work?  Is it a relationship?  Is it drugs or alcohol?  Money?  Television?  Busy with too many activities?  Enslavement is the result.  God wants to set us free.  He wants us to enjoy His comfort and protection.  But we have to make the choice to go to Him.  No matter how far we have strayed, no matter how many times we have run from Him, He is longing to have us back under His wings.

            Spiritual famine and war are the consequences of refusing God’s call.  There are no survivors.  If you are even now on your way to “Egypt,” turn back.  Take God’s offer of refuge and shelter under His wings.


What is your “Egypt?”  What is it you turn to for security instead of turning to God?

Think of times you have been disobedient to God.  What were the consequences?

Have you discovered that any other source of security is only temporary?  What are the situations which have shown that to be true?

When your security is threatened, how could you respond in a way that would be pleasing to God?

If you are even now straying away from God, turn back.  He will never leave us, but the longer and farther we stray, the less we feel His pull to come back.  Our hearts become hardened.  Confess your sin and disobedience and let Him gather you under His wings.

Lead Me To the Rock

From the ends of the earth, I call to you; when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I…

Psalm 61:2

            My husband and I had been separated for several months. With the hope of restoring our marriage, we agreed to attend a ten-day session of counseling in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies to help us get back together.  One early morning, I felt the need to be alone for a while, so I went for a walk.  Sitting on a rock overlooking a magnificent view of huge red rock formations scattered over the landscape of the Garden of the Gods, I cried out to God for help in my emotional and spiritual crisis.  

Psalm 61:2 was God’s answer. I began to ponder “the Rock that is higher than I.” and asked God to help me understand what it means.  The picture that came to mind was a flood.  I have never personally experienced a flood, but I have seen on television the devastation that occurs.   I thought, “Where do people go when their land is flooding?  They go to the highest place they can reach so they will be safe.”

            That morning, I could relate.  I was experiencing an emotional “flood” which threatened to pull me under its swift currents.  Meditating on this verse filled me with the assurance that God is my Rock, the highest point I will ever need to stand on to be saved from the flood of circumstances and emotions.  He is the firm foundation on which I can stand and never be swept away. 

            This new awareness and assurance did not free me immediately from the “flood.”  The waters continued to rage for some time.  But it the midst of it, I knew my feet stood on the Rock that is higher than I, and I would never be destroyed.  By God’s grace, our marriage is restored and is stronger than it ever was before.  I am filled with humble gratitude and amazement for what God accomplished.


Are you in a situation in your life right now that seems like the “flood waters” are threatening to overcome you?

What truth about God can you claim that will give you strength to hold on?

I encourage you to spend time in God’s Word and ask Him to show you His promises that you need in this moment.

Maybe your own life is safe from “flood waters” at this time.  Do you know someone else that you can encourage with the promises in His Word?

Created for Good Works

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

                                                                  Ephesians 2:10

How do we know God’s plan for our life?  Christians often seem to struggle with how to know God’s will.  “If He would just show me, I’d be happy to do it.  If only He could put it in writing and send it to me, it would be so simple.”  I’ve said those words on many occasions.  I used to be tempted to think, “Maybe I’ll miss the answer when it comes.  Maybe I won’t hear correctly.” I no longer believe that!

            First, we must begin by believing in Him and receiving His gift of salvation through faith in Jesus.  Jesus was willing to die on the cross to forgive our sins so He can adopt us into His family as His sons and daughters.  As we respond in faith, we are to invite Him to be Lord of our life, making a commitment to follow Him instead of our own desires. 

            The Holy Spirit gives every believer one or more spiritual gifts which prepare and enable us to do the work He has designed for us.  You can read about spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4. 

             Ephesians 2:10 offers real encouragement to me, that God has specifically created us and given us spiritual gifts to use for His purpose.  I am content knowing that He will reveal His plan for me as I ask Him, get to know Him more through spending time with Him in prayer, studying His Word, and commit to follow wherever He leads, using the spiritual gifts He gave me.

            Years ago, a friend gave me a beautiful lily for Easter.  Any plant in my possession at that time might as well have an immediate death sentence pronounced against it.  I just didn’t take the time and effort to discover exactly how to care for plants.  When the Easter lily died, I felt bad about my friend finding out.  Then another thought came to mind:  What would I say to God if I had never bothered to find out what spiritual gifts He has given me?  What if I never took the time and effort to find out what how He wants me to use them?

            It is of utmost importance we discover our gifts and use them diligently to serve the Body, wherever God has placed us.  Those who are familiar with their gifts, and are using them to serve, know there is nothing else that brings such joy and fulfillment, and the Body will grow as we all work together for God’s purpose.


If you are a Christian and have not yet discovered your spiritual gifts, I encourage you to begin by asking God to lead you.  Read the passages of scripture devoted to these gifts.  It will help you determine God’s will for your life.  It will also enable you to function as part of Christ’s Body as He intended.  You will be prepared to walk in the good works God chose for you.

If you have discovered your spiritual gifts, what are they?  How are you using them to serve? If you don’t know how God wants to use your gifts, ask Him to show you, and trust that He will.

Remember that you are an important part of the Body.  We all need to be doing what God has planned for us to do in order for His Church to function properly.


If you are interested in taking a Spiritual Gifts Assessment Test, click here.
This is just one simple test that can help you begin to discover your own spiritual gifts.  It may be helpful to discuss the results with your pastor or another spiritual leader to consider where you might best use your gifts to serve God in your church.