Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
Luke 10:38-42

Even if you are familiar with this Scripture about Mary and Martha, let’s remind ourselves of valuable lessons we can learn from observing Jesus as He and His disciples visit His friends. While Martha was busy preparing a meal for them, Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to Him. Martha came to Jesus and asked Him, Don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Martha was doing a good thing which was very necessary, but Jesus’ response revealed that her attitude was not pleasing. Martha, Martha, you are distracted, worried and bothered about so many things. But only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
Especially in this year 2020 so much has been taken away from so many by the Coronavirus pandemic. Many have lost lives, loved ones, jobs, businesses, homes. We have all been affected. For those who are followers of Jesus, we have the assurance that He knows what is going on in our lives, His promise that He will never leave us, He will provide for us, and the promise of eternal life with Him. We can encourage others to come to the Lord for the hope that only He can offer. Those promises can’t be taken away.
What can’t be taken away from our daily lives if we belong to the Lord and we choose to make time with Him a priority?
As we get to know Him through His word, our faith and trust will be strengthened.
We will grow deeper in our love for Him.
We discover His will and gain His wisdom and strength by complete dependence on His Spirit to accomplish it.
Walking in His will brings purpose and meaning to every activity.
We enjoy His peace and joy as we allow Him to guide our steps throughout the day.
We can go through times of trial and loss knowing that He is with us and we have nothing to fear.
It’s easy to be so busy with jobs, family, church activities, multiple obligations outside the home – all good and necessary things. But we can become overwhelmed with all the responsibilities and become like Martha – distracted, worried, bothered. I want to be like Mary, willing to spend time Jesus, making that time with Him my highest priority, listening to Him as I read His Word and pray. But if we wait until the perfect time when we are all caught up with everything else that needs to be done, it will never happen! Jesus took time out of His busy life to spend time alone with the Father. If Jesus knew that was necessary, how much more must we need to follow His example! His Word calls us to “Be still and know that He is God” (Psalm 46:10).
Here are some practical thoughts and ideas that may be helpful as we choose to spend time with the Lord:
- Find a time and place that you will be able to spend quality time alone.
- Do your best to be uninterrupted. If possible, turn off the phone. Most situations can wait awhile.
- It takes time to “be still” in your mind. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you set aside all other distracting thoughts so you can focus on the Lord.
- Praise Him for who He is all He has done.
- Ask God to search your heart and see what needs to be confessed, and then ask forgiveness. Remember Lamentations 3:22-23: His compassion and mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.
- Listening to (or singing) a favorite worship song may help to settle your mind and create a peaceful and worshipful attitude.
- Maybe you’d like to go for a walk as you talk with God.
- Pray for your own needs and the needs of others as He brings them to mind. Then leave your concerns with Him and trust that He hears, He knows what is going on, and He is in control.
- Read and meditate on His word. Meditating is more than just reading – it’s thinking and praying about how you can apply it to your life. Ask God for the message He wants to speak to you. You can ask yourself:
- What did I learn about God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit in this passage?
- Is there a command that God wants me to obey?
- Is there something that needs to change in my attitude or actions?
- Journaling – I find it so helpful to write the thoughts God brings to mind as I read His Word and pray. A journal and pen nearby remind me to expect that there is a message I need to respond to. I love looking back at what I’ve written and being reminded of ways God has provided answers to situations when I have asked Him for wisdom and understanding.
Is time alone with Jesus a priority in my life?
As I look at how I spend each day, what is a higher priority?
What are some practical steps I can take to “sit at the feet of Jesus?”
Am I living in fear of the future, or am I trusting God’s promises in His Word?