Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19

I started writing this a couple of weeks ago, and I think it’s still worth posting it now, even though Christmas will already be over by the time you read it. Here’s how I started writing:
It’s December, and I decided to start reading the Christmas story to prepare my heart for the season. I began reading in Luke, chapter 1. I’ve read it and heard it every year for decades. I was part of many Christmas programs at church as a kid and had to memorize lots of lines of Scripture. I know a lot about Jesus coming to earth as a baby in a manger.
But as I started reading Luke last week, I was aware that I was just reading familiar words without my heart even being engaged. I stopped reading for a while and prayed. I asked God to break through the familiar words and give me fresh understanding, a renewed wonder and awe of what God has done for us in sending His Son to earth for us.
Recently I picked up one of my journals that I have been writing for many years. I read a prayer that I wrote On January 1, 2016.
“Lord, this is my prayer for the beginning of the New Year: Please open my eyes, my ears, my heart, my spirit to all that you want me to receive from you. And help me to give back to you a heart that loves you with my whole heart, soul and mind. I don’t want to ever be in a place where I am just going through the motions or caught in a routine when you are desiring more than that. I want to have a heart of worship that ignites everything I do, every day!”
That is a prayer I want to pray often, especially now with the beginning of another New Year. I realize that familiarity with Scripture can be an issue for me any time I pick up the Bible to read! I’m reminded now to pray each time I read — to God for fresh understanding and a heart that is ready to respond to the truth I am reading.
This is the prayer I wrote the next day, January 2, 2016:
“I have so much head knowledge about You after so many years of church and Bible study. But I long for more of You! Will you meet with me in a new and deeper way of just being with you and falling more in love with you and walking with you throughout every day – aware of your presence – not just as the One who designs each day and empowers me to accomplish your plan, but to just be with you moment by moment. Please grow that seed of love and worship and cause it to bear fruit for you, and then spread to others.”
Can you identify with being so familiar with Scripture that it’s easy to read without having your mind and heart engaged in what you’re reading?
Can you pray the same prayers I prayed asking God for a deeper awareness of His presence and a deeper love for Him?
You may want to write a prayer of your own expressing your thoughts to God.