I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Psalm 34:1

If you were fleeing from someone who was intent on killing you, would you be able to speak these words from your heart? According to a commentary, David probably wrote this psalm while hiding in a cave, knowing that King Saul was pursuing him to kill him. You can read about this in 1 Samuel, chapter 20. David had been warned by King Saul’s son Jonathan, and David fled.
Think about this. How was David able to focus on praise and encouraging others when his life was in danger? The answer is in the rest of the psalm. “I sought the Lord and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears” (verse 4). “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them” (verse 7). “The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and His ears are open to their cry” (verses 15).
It was David’s knowledge of God and faith in His promises and constant presence that caused Him to praise instead of fear in spite of life-threatening danger.
As I write these words, war has just begun in Ukraine. Russian forces have begun bombing. A natural reaction would be fear, even for those of us thousands of miles away. But for those who know the Lord, we can choose to trust God – no matter what! Here’s a summary of David’s encouraging words from Psalm 34 that I will choose to follow. Be encouraged as you read his words:
Praise God continually (Remember who God is and what He has done in the past.)
Boast in the Lord (Trust Him, not our own strength or abilities.)
Magnify and exalt the Lord together (Be in community with other believers for encouragement and remind each other of our Lord and His promises.)
Seek the Lord (Cry out to Him in times of trouble. He hears and answers and saves. Get to know Him better through spending time in the Word, meditating on His promises, and prayer.)
Fear Him (Have reverent respect and obedience as you follow Him.)
Take refuge in Him (He hears when we cry out to Him. He answers, delivers, saves those who take refuge in Him. In times of trouble, we can be confident in His power and constant presence with us.)
Listen (Choose to obey what we hear Him say to us.)
Keep from evil; do good; seek peace (Keep following Jesus! He is the One who will bring justice.)
I’m challenged by David’s words to praise the Lord continually – no matter how I feel – no matter what the circumstances. Those who trust in Him have no cause to fear. I’m convinced of God’s knowledge of what is going on at all times, and He is sovereign over all things.
Are you experiencing fearful circumstances in your life right now? How are you encouraged by these words?
Maybe you know someone who needs to hear this truth from God’s Word. We can ask the Lord for opportunities to share encouragement with others.