About Me

Many of the devotionals I’ll be sharing with you have been tucked away in my file cabinet for more than 20 years!  I felt prompted a couple years ago to get them out and re-read them. I also had a folder full of scraps of paper with ideas in case I ever started writing again. The turning point came in the fall of 2018 when our pastor’s wife, Anna, spoke to our women’s group at church.  The main point of her message was that when God calls you to do something, just Take the Next Step. Even if you don’t feel qualified. Even if you don’t know the final outcome.  So many questions came to mind about my devotional writing. Who would read them? How would I publish them? There are so many great devotional books already in print, is there really a need for another one? But I kept going back to the message Just Take the Next Step

So, I started writing again! My daughter, Kim, has shown her belief and encouragement from the beginning.  Recently God brought a new friend, MarJean, into my life who has been an amazing mentor through the process of writing and editing. My husband, Dave, MarJean, and my friends, Earnestine and Lori, spent a great deal of time reading and giving feedback on what I’ve written.  And after countless hours of trying to figure out how to set up a website (not the 5-easy-steps that were advertised), my son-in-law, David, spent hours putting the finishing touches on the website so I could start publishing.  I’m so grateful to all of them!

For those of you reading the devotionals, my prayer is that God will use what He has taught me through many years of studying His Word and growing in my relationship with Him to encourage you. Be encouraged! 

To God be the glory!