Created for Good Works

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

                                                                  Ephesians 2:10

How do we know God’s plan for our life?  Christians often seem to struggle with how to know God’s will.  “If He would just show me, I’d be happy to do it.  If only He could put it in writing and send it to me, it would be so simple.”  I’ve said those words on many occasions.  I used to be tempted to think, “Maybe I’ll miss the answer when it comes.  Maybe I won’t hear correctly.” I no longer believe that!

            First, we must begin by believing in Him and receiving His gift of salvation through faith in Jesus.  Jesus was willing to die on the cross to forgive our sins so He can adopt us into His family as His sons and daughters.  As we respond in faith, we are to invite Him to be Lord of our life, making a commitment to follow Him instead of our own desires. 

            The Holy Spirit gives every believer one or more spiritual gifts which prepare and enable us to do the work He has designed for us.  You can read about spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4. 

             Ephesians 2:10 offers real encouragement to me, that God has specifically created us and given us spiritual gifts to use for His purpose.  I am content knowing that He will reveal His plan for me as I ask Him, get to know Him more through spending time with Him in prayer, studying His Word, and commit to follow wherever He leads, using the spiritual gifts He gave me.

            Years ago, a friend gave me a beautiful lily for Easter.  Any plant in my possession at that time might as well have an immediate death sentence pronounced against it.  I just didn’t take the time and effort to discover exactly how to care for plants.  When the Easter lily died, I felt bad about my friend finding out.  Then another thought came to mind:  What would I say to God if I had never bothered to find out what spiritual gifts He has given me?  What if I never took the time and effort to find out what how He wants me to use them?

            It is of utmost importance we discover our gifts and use them diligently to serve the Body, wherever God has placed us.  Those who are familiar with their gifts, and are using them to serve, know there is nothing else that brings such joy and fulfillment, and the Body will grow as we all work together for God’s purpose.


If you are a Christian and have not yet discovered your spiritual gifts, I encourage you to begin by asking God to lead you.  Read the passages of scripture devoted to these gifts.  It will help you determine God’s will for your life.  It will also enable you to function as part of Christ’s Body as He intended.  You will be prepared to walk in the good works God chose for you.

If you have discovered your spiritual gifts, what are they?  How are you using them to serve? If you don’t know how God wants to use your gifts, ask Him to show you, and trust that He will.

Remember that you are an important part of the Body.  We all need to be doing what God has planned for us to do in order for His Church to function properly.


If you are interested in taking a Spiritual Gifts Assessment Test, click here.
This is just one simple test that can help you begin to discover your own spiritual gifts.  It may be helpful to discuss the results with your pastor or another spiritual leader to consider where you might best use your gifts to serve God in your church.

2 thoughts on “Created for Good Works”

  1. Thank you, dear Sherrilyn, for this encouragement to discover and use our spiritual gifts. I’ve also discovered that the best way to know my spiritual gift is to follow 1Corinthians 13–The Love Chapter. The more of His love that flows through me, the more I’m able to see and use my spiritual gift. Love is like the horse, and the gifts are like the cart. We must not seek the gifts first, but seek to love others. Then the gifts will manifest themselves most naturally.

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