God, the Creator of All Things

Genesis 1

My message last week was about the “Read-Thru the Bible” program that I’m so excited about.  I decided to share some of the personal thoughts that God spoke to my heart as I read the first few chapters of Genesis this week.  I wish I could talk to each of you about how God speaks to you through His Word! 

            As I read each chapter, I ponder the questions suggested by the “Read-Thru the Bible” program, “What does God reveal about Himself?” and “How does this apply to my relationship with God?” In chapter 1, He reveals Himself as the creator of all things.  He spoke all of creation into being: “Let there be…. And it was so.”  I’m reminded that God is sovereign over all He has created.  I can trust His sovereignty over my life.

            Thinking about God as the Creator, I’m reminded of the Scripture that says “You created my innermost parts, You wove me in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13).  Meditating on that truth, God convicted me that I needed to ask forgiveness for my attitude toward the parents I was born to.  As a child, and even as an adult, I’ve sometimes wished that I had different parents.  But through this Scripture and others, I realize that I was born to the parents He chose for me.  And His Word tells me to honor my father and mother.  I’ve had to confess and ask forgiveness for my dishonoring attitude.

            Another Scripture about God as Creator came to mind: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:20).  I believe that I know for now the works He has called me to do.  But I’m reminded to trust Him completely for His will, and trust the Holy Spirit to accomplish those works.  I want Him to be able to say to me the words He spoke about His creation: “He saw all He had created, and it was very good.”

In chapter 2, verse 7 stood out to me:  Then God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.”  I thought about the truth that not only did He create our physical life, but He creates new spiritual birth when we receive His gift of salvation by faith in Jesus.  I want to remember that His Spirit gives me life and breathes life into the works He has called me to do.  And, as God rested at the completion of creation, I need to rest as I trust Him to complete those good works.

The words of this hymn have been going through my mind all week:

Breathe on me, breath of God, fill me with life anew,

That I may love what Thou dost love, and do what Thou wouldst do.

Breathe on me, breath of God, until my heart is pure

Until my will is one with Thine, to do and to endure.


How has God spoken to your heart this week as you have read His Word?

What did He reveal about Himself? 

How did that truth about God apply to your life?

3 thoughts on “God, the Creator of All Things”

  1. I’m so glad God is blessing you in your Bible Read-Through! How wonderful that now you can share those insights, convictions, and joys with us! You are a good and faithful servant, dear Sherrilyn!!

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