God’s Peace in Troubled Times

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

John 14:27

A friend recently shared a link to an online message she had listened to. The message is from Pastor Joe at Valley 4th Church. I’ll copy the link at the end of this devotional message in case you’d like to listen to it in person.  It’s only about 10 minutes, but so encouraging in these days of troubled times all around the world! 

            The part of the message that meant so much to me personally was the speaker’s own testimony.  As an unbeliever, he would observe his Christian friends going through difficult and tragic times and still have peace.  That is what finally made him realize that God is real, and he turned his life over to God.  He is now a pastor. That is a strong reminder to me that the way we live our lives really matters because others are watching.    

            As Jesus was preparing His disciples for His departure from this earth to ascend back to heaven, they were troubled.  They had been with Him constantly for three years, and now He is leaving them! You can read more of Jesus’ words of comfort to them in John 14.  Jesus said, “My peace I leave with you.  My peace I give to you; not as the world gives…” The pastor focused on the difference between the peace the world offers and the peace that Jesus promises to those who follow Him.  I’ll summarize the message for you here:

What is the peace the world gives?

In order to experience peace, there must be an absence of anxiety.  Anxiety has to be resolved.  That peace never lasts.  It’s tied to situations.  He calls the world’s peace “emotional, situational, and transitional.”

What is the peace Jesus gives?

The peace Jesus gives us is the peace of mind even in the midst of troubling situations.  It’s a state of mind entered by faith.  He calls us to take authority over our emotions by faith in God.  He gives us peace as we personally trust Him.  It is a constant privilege as we get to know Him more and more and choose to live this way. He calls Jesus’ peace “volitional, personal, and constant.”

The pastor gave a concluding principle:

“God has given every believer the right to live in mental peace — in every situation, constant, all by faith.  Don’t look for the peace of the world. Choose to live in the peace of God that He gives, no matter the situation.  Stand in faith as you face your fears.”

Here is the link to find the message:  https://youtu.be/fUSCbeMdjj8


Is there an area in your life right now that is causing anxiety and stress and uncertainty?  Will you consider asking God to help you choose to trust Him completely and let go of the anxiety?

Remember that whether or not we are aware of it, people are watching how we respond to difficult circumstances.  They may be drawn to the God who gives us His peace even in the midst of troubling times.