I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.
I will counsel you with My eye upon you.
Psalm 32:8

It happened 18 years ago, but it’s a lesson I’ll never forget! My husband and I had been struggling for a long time with the decision whether to sell our home in California and move back to Spokane, Washington, where we were both born and raised. We had been away for 33 years, but most of our family was still living in the state. We were both feeling like it would be nice to live close to family again.
The housing market was wild in California at that time. Homes placed on the market would sell within a few days for thousands of dollars over the asking price. So, we finally put our home on the market and were confident it would sell immediately – a remodeled home in a nice neighborhood, good schools, parks nearby – a very desirable location.
But we waited…and waited… Two months went by without a single offer! We couldn’t imagine why our house didn’t sell. We finally made the decision to take it off the market. Maybe in the future we would try again. We called the realtor with our decision. Someone soon came to take down the “For Sale” sign. While he was in the process of removing the sign, we got a phone call from a realtor asking if he could bring someone to see our house. Two separate couples came on that same day, and we received an offer! Our house sold!!
The next step was to fly to Spokane to look for a home. We contacted a realtor and planned to stay five days. At the end of five days, we still had not found a home that we could agree on. We were discouraged, and literally on our way back to the airport when my husband asked if I wanted to see one more home that he had seen on the internet. It had several things we didn’t want, but we went to see it anyway. We didn’t have a realtor with us, and there wasn’t even a “For Sale” sign. The owner at first refused to let us in since she wasn’t ready for an open house that day. It had only been on the market for 17 days. After explaining our situation, she reluctantly agreed to let us in, and within 15 minutes we knew this was the house we wanted. But we were on our way to the airport for our flight back to California!
We contacted our realtor, told him about the house, asked him to check it out for us. By that night when we arrived back in California, he had faxed us papers to sign. The next morning, the owner accepted our offer! We were astounded!
Here is the lesson I learned through that experience: I had been praying for God’s will through the whole process. There were times of confusion and disappointment when our home didn’t sell, and again when we couldn’t find a home in Spokane. But all along I was trusting God for His plan and His timing. I had to keep reminding myself that God knew the plan He has for us.
Looking back over these last 18 years, I am thrilled with God’s plan! Each time there is a new choice to make, I remember. I love seeing His plan unfold in His perfect timing. My faith has grown strong as I continue to trust God for everything!
Here are some Scriptures I have printed out so I can look at them often and be encouraged. I pray they will encourage you too!
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord…
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with My eye upon you.
Psalm 37:7 Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him…
Is there a choice you need to make right now? You can pray and ask God to give you the faith to believe that He has the answer.
Choose a Scripture to memorize and repeat it often to remind you that God has a plan for you, and He will lead as you choose to trust Him.
If you are confused and discouraged, find someone who will pray with you and help you trust that God has the answer. He is faithful to His promises!
It is good to take the time to look back and remember God’s faithfulness to us. Right now I can only focus on today, but your article reminds me to also look back from time to time and praise God for His grace and mercy to me over and over again. Thank you for your faithfulness in writing to us. What a blessing you are to me!