How Great Is Our God!

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers… what is man, that you think of him…?

Psalm 8:3-4

In my Bible study this week, we watched the DVD by Louie Giglio called How Great Is Our God! I wish everyone could see it! I just looked on the internet and discovered that you can watch the entire message on YouTube by typing in Louie’s name and the title. (The word laminin also comes up in the title, and that’s the one I’m recommending.) It is a 41-minute video presentation, exactly like the DVD.

Louie Giglio is a pastor in Atlanta. In this video, he focuses on the immeasurable vastness of the universe by comparing the size of the earth to our sun and to 4 other stars. Throughout the video, he uses a golf ball to represent the size of the earth and then tells how many earths would fit into each of these stars. In the largest star he focuses on, Canus Majoris, the number of golf balls would fill the state of Texas 22 inches deep! And the distances measured in light-years are mind-blowing!

Near the end of the video, he changes the focus to the human body, and how we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). He shows pictures of a developing baby at 4 days — only 16 cells, and shares some of the astonishing facts during later development.

But near the close of his talk, there is a punchline, a left hook as he calls it, that should leave us speechless. He tells his personal experience of learning from a molecular biologist about a cell adhesion molecule called laminin. It is a protein molecule that is the “glue” that holds our bodies together. He shows an actual picture of laminin taken by an electron microscope. At the center of each laminin molecule is the shape of a cross! You can Google laminin and see the picture for yourself!

He ends the talk with the message that the cross of Christ is proof that He literally holds us together! When we just can’t go on. When we think we can’t take another step. Jesus is right there with us, giving strength for one more step, and then another step… He promises to never leave us!

I hope you will take the time to watch this video. It will certainly change your perspective about how massive is the universe that God created. It will also strengthen your faith in the God who gave His Son Jesus to save us. He knows every intimate detail of our lives. Read Psalm 139, the whole chapter. Our finite minds can never fully comprehend the infinite love, wisdom, and power of God.  But we can ask Him to open our eyes and our hearts, to reveal all that we can possibly understand. 

During this Christmas season, may we set aside time to remember and be renewed in our awe of God’s plan of salvation for those who choose to believe in His Son. Think about the fact that the Lord, who created this infinite universe, was willing to leave heaven and become a helpless infant born in a stable! Let’s celebrate His birth and Remember the Reason for the Season!


Again, I encourage you to watch the How Great Is Our God message, on DVD which can be purchased on, or watch it free on YouTube. The message is life-changing. Our response should be one of awe and worship of our infinite, intimate God.

3 thoughts on “How Great Is Our God!”

  1. Sherrilyn, did YOU paint that picture? If you didn’t, I know you could. I so enjoyed the video and thank you for sharing it with us. It is so good to be reminded of God’s greatness and of the Son He sent to us especially during the Christmas season!
    Christmas blessings!!

  2. Thanks for the reminder of Giglio’s video. I saw it a while back, and it is surely worth the time to watch. It helps us put things in perspective!

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