Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

This Scripture is easy to memorize and tuck away with lots of other verses about the character of Jesus. We can easily take this truth for granted. But consider how different life would be if this verse were not true? What if Jesus’ words are not always true? What if His will or His standards changed from one generation to the next, or even one day to the next?
My college freshman psychology instructor was an example of someone with a changeable nature. He told the class on the first day that he would often “role play” during his lectures, and we would never be able to tell if he actually believed what he said or not. I never knew what to expect from him, and always had to be on guard, wondering what reaction I might get to an opinion I expressed in class. He gave us several assignments to do outside of class which he never mentioned again. He promised on several occasions to bring a particular specimen into class for our observation but never brought it in. It is extremely confusing and unsettling to deal with people like that. Changeable people can never be trusted completely or counted on to keep their word. You can never be sure what to expect or know for sure what is expected of you.
Think about how different it is with Jesus. What He promised in the past we can count on to be fulfilled. What He expected in the past from His followers, He still expects today. By studying His Word, we can know how He wants us to live – loving, trusting, obeying Him and following wherever He leads us.
Think about the changes in society in recent decades. The standards of morality change rapidly. The unthinkable and unacceptable only a few decades ago became commonplace and accepted today. And there are changes around the world in this year 2020 because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Who could have predicted how so many lives would be forever changed because of this.
But Jesus never changes. He hasn’t changed His moral code just because many consider the old standards outdated. God revealed His perfect will in His Word, and His indwelling Holy Spirit guides and empowers us. Following Jesus creates a firm foundation, stability, and security in life. His Word is full of promises to those who follow Him. He loves us, He will be with us always, He will provide, He is sovereign over all, no matter what is going on in our personal life or in the world around us. He remains the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Have you known someone who was unpredictable and changeable? How did that person affect you?
How does the truth of Jesus’ unchanging nature affect you? Think about what life would be like if that were not true.
What promise can you hold onto in this current time of worldwide change?
Thank you for this reminder, Sherrilyn. I don’t think there is any person who is completely dependable or unchangeable. Jesus is the only One we can really trust. Too often, we try to depend upon people or circumstances when we should realize their fallibility and put all our trust in Jesus. He never fails!
Great encouragement, Sherrilyn. How important to remember that God never changes, nor does His living, powerful Word. We have a ROCK that holds strong and sure through every storm!
Jesus being unchangeable gives me stability, security & hope—-especially today!