From the ends of the earth, I call to you; when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I…
Psalm 61:2

My husband and I had been separated for several months. With the hope of restoring our marriage, we agreed to attend a ten-day session of counseling in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies to help us get back together. One early morning, I felt the need to be alone for a while, so I went for a walk. Sitting on a rock overlooking a magnificent view of huge red rock formations scattered over the landscape of the Garden of the Gods, I cried out to God for help in my emotional and spiritual crisis.
Psalm 61:2 was God’s answer. I began to ponder “the Rock that is higher than I.” and asked God to help me understand what it means. The picture that came to mind was a flood. I have never personally experienced a flood, but I have seen on television the devastation that occurs. I thought, “Where do people go when their land is flooding? They go to the highest place they can reach so they will be safe.”
That morning, I could relate. I was experiencing an emotional “flood” which threatened to pull me under its swift currents. Meditating on this verse filled me with the assurance that God is my Rock, the highest point I will ever need to stand on to be saved from the flood of circumstances and emotions. He is the firm foundation on which I can stand and never be swept away.
This new awareness and assurance did not free me immediately from the “flood.” The waters continued to rage for some time. But it the midst of it, I knew my feet stood on the Rock that is higher than I, and I would never be destroyed. By God’s grace, our marriage is restored and is stronger than it ever was before. I am filled with humble gratitude and amazement for what God accomplished.
Are you in a situation in your life right now that seems like the “flood waters” are threatening to overcome you?
What truth about God can you claim that will give you strength to hold on?
I encourage you to spend time in God’s Word and ask Him to show you His promises that you need in this moment.
Maybe your own life is safe from “flood waters” at this time. Do you know someone else that you can encourage with the promises in His Word?
I love the questions in the personal reflections section. It’s so important that we look for truths about God as we read His Word, even making a list of them. Than we will be able to go back to those when we need them.
Thanks for the reminder. There was a time when my husband and I were in the same situation. We went to a camp and spent the entire weekend focusing on God rather than on our struggles. I, too, sat on a rock and reached out to God–to change me so I was more like Him rather than spending my time focusing on changing my husband. We have been married 42 years now and we are still working on it 🙂 but the Rock is what has seen us through
Thank you, dear Sherrilyn, for sharing your life and God’s word with us. I find those waves keep coming and every morning I need to be reminded of the Rock on which I stand. Thank You!
Thank you for the reminder!
An excellent example Sherrilyn. In our marriage of 70+ years we had many “floods” that could have easily destroyed us. It was always the urging of the Holy Spirit that reminded us that we needed to be on that rock to keep from going under. It’s the assurance that “I will be with you” that kept us going for better or worse, in sickness and health.
Thank Sherrilyn, so timely in this time of uncertainty. My eyes need to be on Him not the flood waters that are rising! He is bigger, stronger, wiser and my all in all!