Patched Up or Made New?

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

2 Corinthians 5:17

A figurine of a little girl dressed up in her mother’s long coat, large hat, and high heels, and a large purse by her feet. It was a Christmas gift from my husband many years ago, and I love it!

She stands about twelve inches tall, and it has always been a special treasure to me.  I displayed her in a prominent place where I could see her often.  She got knocked over once, and there was a little chip broken off.  I was sad, but I glued the chip back into place and I was the only one aware that she had been damaged just a little.

Not long after that, I found the figurine on the floor.  I didn’t see it happen, but it had to be our cat that was responsible this time, and the damage was much more severe.  One high-heeled foot had broken off, a piece of the purse was broken off, and several other areas were chipped.  I was especially sad this time, but I did my best to glue the pieces I could match up.  I didn’t tell anyone about the damage.  I couldn’t leave her on the original prominent shelf because, in the light, it was obvious that she had been broken in many places.  So, I moved her to a shelf in a darker corner where the cracks were not quite as obvious.

Before too long, my husband discovered the damage.  He asked what had happened, and concluded that I should throw it away.  But I told him she was still precious to me, and I wanted to keep her, even with all the cracks.  The following Christmas, I opened a gift from my husband, and it was a new figurine, exactly the same as the original.  I was amazed!  These were quite expensive for our budget at the time, and I was satisfied to keep the one with all the cracks.  But he assured me he wanted to give me the new one! This time, I put her on a shelf where I knew she would be protected.  And she is still perfect!

These figurines now represent what I experienced years later in my marriage and in my relationship with God.  Even though I was a Christian, I made a series of choices that led to an adulterous relationship and eventual separation from my husband.  I knew this was not what God wanted for my life, but it seemed impossible to give up that relationship.  After several months of separation and daily undeniable conviction from God about my choice, I made the decision to return home to my husband if he still wanted me.  By God’s grace, he was willing for me to come home and we agreed to go away for ten days of intensive counseling to work on our marriage.  That was only the beginning of a long period of continuing to try to “fix myself.” My marriage was broken, I was broken, and I felt helpless and hopeless. 

Finally, several months after returning home, I surrendered myself and my marriage completely to God.  God led me that very morning to make an appointment with a counselor who had been able to help a friend of mine.  For the first time, I felt a small degree of hope.  It was a long and painful journey through counseling, but over time God was able to accomplish what was impossible when I was trying to “fix” myself. 

Looking back, I see that I was like that broken figurine when I turned away from God.  And I tried very hard to patch myself and make life work the way it was supposed to.  But when I completely surrendered to God, He didn’t just patch up the broken pieces and put me on a shelf in a dark corner.  He forgave me, and although it took some time, He created in me a new heart of love for Him and for my husband. Our marriage became stronger than it ever was before!  A miracle that only God could accomplish!  He has made me a new creation, not just patched up with all the cracks still showing!  I have a deeper personal understanding of God’s love, His grace and mercy, and His power to change hearts and lives and marriages.  And, in His time, God has given me the blessing of ministering to women again through writing and teaching Bible studies, offering hope and encouragement to those in difficult life circumstances.


Is there a circumstance in your life that seems hopeless, that you feel helpless to change?

Be encouraged that if you cry out to God for help, He does hear, and He can do what seems impossible.  It begins with complete surrender to God.  He will even help you to have a willing heart to surrender if you ask Him!

Write a prayer of surrender to God.  Trust Him to do what seems impossible. He still does miracles!

10 thoughts on “Patched Up or Made New?”

  1. Surrender! … to God.

    Thank you for sharing hope and encouragement this morning, Sherrilyn. I enjoy learning from your blog posts – I especially appreciate that you add a personal reflection section. Thank you for your authenticity.

  2. Good morning, Sherrilyn. Thank you for being transparent and reminding us of God’s grace, the opportunity He gives us for a second, third or more chance to give Him control.. how much better life is when we do that! God bless this day with your husband.

  3. I received your beautiful message in my box this morning in my previous email. Though I’ve heard you share this story before in person, to read it seems to cement its message in my heart. Yes, complete surrender brings new life, which I’ve had to do more than once on different occasions. But each time it transformed my heart. I praise and thank God for you, for your life messages, and for the gracious heavenly Father we share. How I thank Him for making us new creations!! I want to live every day in complete surrender to His will, which scares the tar out of my old nature!

  4. Good morning Sherrilyn, what a nice message to wake up to. I love how you put God in real life situations!

  5. Beautiful! Your personal reflection gives me such reassurance that God is so marvelous. He is merciful!

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