
If our plans had worked out, we would be on the Oregon Coast this week.  We had planned to leave on Sunday, but we kept watching the weather forecast for the area where we had reservations.  Friday was the last day we could cancel without losing our money on the reservation.  On Friday, the weather forecast for that area was rain for several days and a high of 53 degrees.  Not the best for walking on the beach and enjoying short hikes!  So, we canceled and will try again in September.

To ease the disappointment, we decided to stay home and just plan day trips in our local area.  Yesterday was our first outing — Cannon Hill Park on the South Hill of Spokane.  One of my favorite parks with a pond and a variety of ducks.  I was thrilled to see a heron this time!  We were able to get really close and take pictures.  Eventually, it flew to the other side of the pond, and we walked around to be close again.  We watched a show we’d never seen before!  The heron had a fish in its beak and kept dipping it into the pond, dropping it onto the edge of the dirt, picking it up and shaking it, over and over.  Finally, it swallowed the fish.

And now, what started out as possible cold symptoms has turned into a real cold.  So, I’m thankful to be at home instead of on the Oregon Coast this week.  But I think I can manage more short day trips! I’ll keep my eyes open for more surprises!

2 thoughts on “Stay-cation”

  1. Thanking God with you for the Surprises! This weekend I prayed God would Surprise me— and He did! I had a fun time at a dance event after work and then a spontaneous invitation to a movie night with friends! Thank you, God. I felt Loved and seen. Thank you for sharing your photos and your heart. I’m glad to hear you are recuperating at home! The best place to be with a cold. 💗

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