Support for the Battle Weary

I’m really excited to finally share with you some of what I’ve learned over many years of following Jesus and studying God’s Word.   This is my very first blog post!  You can click on “About Me” to read more about the process of getting to this point of publishing the devotional writing as a weekly blog post.  For now, maybe you’d like to grab a cup of coffee or tea, and sit down to share some time with me!  My prayer is that God will encourage you to get to know Him better and desire to have a deeper relationship with Him as you read.

We are currently in the middle of a worldwide Coronavirus pandemic. Do you feel at times like you are in a battle? Do you struggle with loneliness, concern about physical health, emotional instability, financial insecurity? Where can we go for help when we are faced with threatening times like this? God’s Word gives us encouragement!

In Exodus 17:8-18 we read of Moses leading the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. As they travel through the desert, they are attacked by their enemy, the Amalekites.  As the battle was being fought, Moses stationed himself at the top of the hill with the staff of God in his hand. When he held up his hand, the Israelites prevailed, but when he became weary and lowered his hands, Amalek prevailed.  What happens next is the encouragement for us in difficult times:

But Moses’ hands were heavy. They took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur held his hands up — one on one side and one on the other — so that his hands were steady until the sun set. So, Joshua overwhelmed Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword (verses 12-13).

Perhaps more difficult than supporting someone else’s weak hands is admitting our own need to be supported. Can you identify with being so weary of the battle that you can no longer hold up your hands? During the times when the battle is the fiercest, God doesn’t expect us to fight alone. He intends for us to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) and to strengthen the hands that are weak (Hebrews 12:12).

Notice that Aaron and Hur placed Moses on a stone. Psalm 18:2 tells us The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer. When God calls us to help strengthen one who is weak, we need to lead them to Him, the Rock, not trusting our own solutions to their problem.

God Himself, His wisdom, and His Word need to be at the center of our encouragement to others. Thank you, Lord, that you are our Rock, our Fortress, our Strong deliverer — no matter what circumstances surround us.


Has God brought someone into your life who needs encouragement? How can this message help you?

Maybe you are the one who is feeling weak from fighting what seems to be a losing battle. How are you encouraged by this message?

4 thoughts on “Support for the Battle Weary”

  1. Congratulations, dear Sherrilyn! I thank God for you and for what He has done and will do through you, your story, and your relationship with Him. May He bless the work of your hands and multiply your fruitfulness through your obedience and trust in Him. I look forward to receiving your devotionals each week and being encouraged by God’s messages through you.

    Love and gratitude,

  2. love you and love that you are a gifted communicator and obedient to God to take the time to do this blog/weekly devotional! Thank you!!

  3. Thanks for taking the next step! One need be vulnerable to know you need help holding hands up!

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