The Lord is Near to the Brokenhearted

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:18

Another friend’s husband went to be with Jesus a few days ago.  So many are suffering from Covid-related illness and loss.  Our hearts hurt for those who face loneliness without their loved ones.  But in the midst of the grief, for those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus, there is hope.  The Lord is near to the brokenhearted. 

I’m reminded to ask the Lord how to personally reach out to friends who are grieving.  I have learned that it often helps to just be available to sit with them and listen.  Offering to bring a meal or do errands for someone is a practical way to reach out. 

Many years ago, I learned a very important lesson during a really difficult time.  My husband was in the hospital for several weeks and I had two young children at home. I had several friends call and offer help with anything I needed.  One even offered to provide a meal any time I needed one.  I realize now that it was my own pride that kept me from asking for help.  But one friend called and said, “I have a meal prepared for you.  When is a good time for me to deliver it?”  That was easier to receive.  I didn’t have to call and ask for it.

I recently read a prayer that helps me focus on how to pray for someone who is grieving:

Gracious and loving Father,

I pray for my friend who is grieving the loss of their loved one.  You know the intimate details of how deeply they are hurting, how painful the sorrow is, and what they need each day.  I ask that you bring them comfort and strength, fulfilling the promise that you are near to the brokenhearted.  Surround them, Lord, with a community of people who will show them love, compassion, and care.  I ask that you would help them in their darkest moments to cling to you.  Help them to draw near to you as they are grieving.  I ask that they will find hope and healing in the coming months and years.  Lord, keep watch over them and their family who are grieving.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 13:15 (NIV)


Ask God if there is someone today who could use encouragement in their time of grief or suffering.  Trust Him for wisdom to know what they need and what you can offer that will comfort them and show His love.

Maybe you are the one who is suffering.  Trust God to send someone to help you during this difficult time.  Be willing to receive help as a gift from Him when it is offered.

3 thoughts on “The Lord is Near to the Brokenhearted”

  1. I’m reading this after midnight as my sleepless mind keeps me awake, again. It is timely and I thank you for reaching out to me again and again. Your love and compassion surely bring me comfort and hope. I know you are always available. Psalm 139 says God documented every day of my life before He created me. He knew my loss would come and prepared you to care about me. I thank Him for you! I don’t know why He does not grant me sleep some nights, but I rest assured, He will care for me regardless. God bless you, dear friend!

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