Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right or to the left.”
Isaiah 30:21

Priscilla Shirer has written a Bible study series called “Discerning the Voice of God.” We just watched the first DVD session this week, and I love the illustration she gave from her own experience as a young gymnast. She described her love for the balance beam, even though she claimed not to be very good at it. But she talked about her coach, how he would stand behind her as she was on the balance beam. His biggest concern was to make sure that her entire body was in alignment with the beam. It wasn’t enough to just have her feet positioned one in front of the other. Her hips, her shoulders, her head all had to be in alignment with her feet. Otherwise, she would not be able to maintain the correct balance. The coach wouldn’t give any further instruction for the more difficult moves until her body was correctly aligned.
As I listened to her description, my mind went immediately to Isaiah 30:21 Your ears will hear a word behind you, This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right or to the left. The Lord is our “coach” watching to see if we are living in alignment with His truth and His will for our life. I’m reminded to be asking Him daily to show me any area that is out of alignment with His will and His purpose for my life.
The Lord is always with us. And He loves us, He knows us, and He knows the plans He has for our lives. Am I intentionally asking the Lord for His will for each day? Am I spending time in His Word and asking Him to teach me what He wants me to hear? Am I taking time to “Be still” in order to listen to what He has to say? Am I willing to be obedient when I hear Him say, “This is the way, walk in it?”
If I’m not spending time with Him, it is so easy to get “out of alignment and off balance.” I can become anxious about the assignments I have for the day. I can become frustrated when things aren’t going as I had planned. Even “little things” can be reasons for becoming upset and angry.
Priscilla’s illustration is such an encouragement to me to be aligned with God’s plan and to be asking Him to show me any areas where I am out of alignment and losing my balance. I choose to trust my “Coach!” I want to remember to pray each day, “Lord, please align my heart and mind and will with Your mind and heart and will. Keep my eyes focused on You.”
What evidence in your life shows that you are listening to God’s voice?
What choices do you make to be sure you are in “alignment” with God’s will?
Is there anything you need to change in your priorities to make sure you have the time to listen to His voice?
Sometimes we may need to begin with a prayer asking God for the desire to be obedient to His will instead of focusing on our own plans.
Thank you, dear Sherrilyn! I’m doing the study but am grateful for your emphasis on alignment with God’s plan before we can go any further. I ask God to show me what to do, but wondering if I need to first ask Him to align me with His priorities, which will give me the direction I need.
Thank you for sharing that analogy – I want to remember it!