Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name. I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and will glorify Your name forever.
Psalm 86:11-12

This prayer of King David gives us a glimpse into his longing for God — to know Him more, to have an undivided heart of love and reverence for Him, and to live daily in the center of His will. David clearly expresses his desire to faithfully follow God’s plan for his life, and to have a heart filled with gratitude. That was David’s prayer, and I want to pray that same prayer!
“Unite my heart” is the phrase that stood out to me this week from Psalm 86 as I studied for my women’s Bible study. What does it mean to have a “united” (or undivided) heart? The Greek word means to “enter into the plan or thinking.” So, when I ask God to unite my heart, I am telling Him that I am available to follow His plan and His thoughts instead of being continually caught up in my own plans and desires.
It helped me to think about what would be the opposite of a “united heart.” If my heart is not intentionally tuned into God’s heart and His plan for each day, I can become distracted, frustrated, overwhelmed, anxious, feeling the need to be in control. What a difference it makes when I start my day with the Lord with the same prayer and desire that David expressed in this psalm: “Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth. I want to love You with my whole heart, live out Your plan for the day. I ask for Your plan for my time and activities.”
I realize that this heart of love for God can’t come from just trying harder. I have to do what David did – Ask God to create it in me! And it is developed in a daily, life-long relationship with Him. God’s Word tells us that the two great commandments are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love others as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31). So, we can be assured that if we ask Him for a heart to love Him and follow Him this way, He will be delighted to answer that prayer.
I notice in this psalm that David says several times “I will…” He is making a choice to walk with the Lord and give thanks with all his heart. I want to do the same.
David’s prayer also reminds me to keep focused on “one moment at a time” instead of looking ahead at the long list of activities planned for the day, or the week, or next month! I want to enjoy each moment because the Lord is with me at all times, and I want Him to direct my path.
Another Scripture I love so much is 2 Chronicles 16:9: “The eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.” Think about that! The Lord is actually looking for people who are seeking Him with all their heart so that He can help! I pray often that when God looks at me, He will see a heart that is completely His, completely devoted to Him and His plan for my life.
Can you identify with David’s desire to have a “united” heart and to be following God’s plan?
If not, you can ask Him to create that desire in you. That is a prayer God delights to answer!
Are there circumstances in your life that cause you to fear so that you focus on the problems instead of being able to cry out to God for help?
Ask God to search your heart and show you if there is anything that needs to change. Let’s remember to praise Him and have a heart filled with gratitude for who He is and what He has done for us!
Oh, Sherrilyn, Thank you for again drawing us into the depth and breadth of God’s Word. Thank You for your desire to allow His Holy Spirit to guide your heart and thoughts toward Him. And thank you for your love from the LORD for us to so faithfully write to us week after week. I first read this close to 1:00 a.m., after I woke up. Now again His Word blesses me through you. I pray this prayer with you.
Oh, Sherrilyn, Thank you for again drawing us into the depth and breadth of God’s Word. Thank You for your desire to allow His Holy Spirit to guide your heart and thoughts toward Him. And thank you for your love from the LORD for us to so faithfully write to us week after week. I first read this close to 1:00 a.m., after I woke up. Now again His Word blesses me through you. I pray this prayer with you.
Thank you, Sherrilyn, this is so helpful. I’ve memorized that verse years ago, but this gives me a new understanding. I don’t know what all the steps ahead of me are, and how I will be able to live them out in unity with God’s plan. But I can have that attitude for just the next step, one at a time. I tend to look too far ahead, so this is very helpful for me.