Updating My Operating System

Not my will, but yours be done

Luke 22:42

(I posted this message last year, but I think it’s worth repeating.)

After my morning quiet time alone with the Lord recently, I asked my husband what he had been doing in his office.  He said, “I’m updating my operating system.”  At that moment, I realized, “That’s what I’ve been doing too!” He was referring to his computer, but I was referring to God as my “heart system manager.” 

My time with God each morning is setting my focus on Him in worship, listening to Him through His Word and prayer, and committing to do what He has planned.  I ask Him to align my heart and mind with His.

 Believe me, it hasn’t always been this way!  For so much of my life, I was under the influence of legalistic teaching.  “Don’t go to movies, don’t go to dances, don’t wear skirts above the knees or wear two-piece bathing suits…”  It was all centered on outward behavior, following all the rules to please God.  I would have early morning “quiet times” (the earlier the better for “good Christians”). So often I would fall asleep during those times.  But at least I could check it off my list along with reading a chapter or two of the Bible!

Thankfully, God has shown me instead that He is my Shepherd who knows me by name, loves me, and has a plan for my life. He has invited me (and you!) into a loving relationship, not a legalistic list of duties to perform.  Jesus came so that we could know God, and was willing to give up His own life to pay the penalty for the sins of the world.  We can have the assurance of salvation and eternal life with Him.  We can have peace no matter what is going on in the world and in our personal life if we receive His offer of forgiveness and turn our lives over to Him as Lord and Savior.  We can trust Him to orchestrate our activities and choices throughout the day if we have surrendered our own will and plans to Him.

 Here is a poem I wrote many years ago.  It came to me after a time of struggling in my relationship with the Lord.  I pray it will encourage you.

Be Still

“Be still and know that I am God,” you say,

But how can I be still?

I have such as busy day;

Bible study, my job, a luncheon at one.

Maybe later, Lord.  Right now I must run.

Like Mary, you’d like me to sit at your feet,

Quietly listening to the words you will speak.

But, like Martha, there’s so much to be done.

Maybe later, Lord.  Right now I must run.

“Come and lie down in green pastures and rest.”

When my work is caught up, Lord,

I’ll do my best.

So many things need my attention.

Maybe later, Lord. Right now I must run.

Why am I so weary?

Where has the time gone?

Forgive me for running when you’ve asked me to come.

Often the “good things” are not your best.

You invite me to come to you, and I will find rest.

I’m willing to be quiet now;

Teach me your will.

Now, Lord, right now, I’m ready to be still.

Renewed by your Spirit

Like an eagle I’ll fly;

No longer running, but quiet inside.


I encourage you to spend time with the Lord for an “update of your operating system.” What is He showing you that needs to change?  Maybe rearranging priorities? Maybe an attitude adjustment?  Trust that He is there to walk through it with you.

Consider writing a prayer of renewed commitment, not just for the New Year, but for your daily life.

2 thoughts on “Updating My Operating System”

  1. I love your poem! It is a great reminder to me since I too, live with a sense of urgency to get things done. Oh to be still before the LORD and wait on Him BEFORE I plunge into my projects for the day.

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