Where do you turn for help?

My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:2

The divorce papers were on the table ready to be signed. After many years of marriage, my husband and I had been separated for several months. In an attempt to restore our marriage, we agreed to attend a 10-day intensive counseling session in Colorado Springs. We were in a desperately difficult situation. One day I was sitting alone outdoors overlooking the amazing red rock formations of the Garden of the Gods. What an incredibly beautiful view! As I was praying, that verse in Psalm 121 came to mind.

I had memorized this scripture as a child, but until that day I had never really paid attention to the last phrase. Why didn’t the Psalmist just end with “My help comes from the Lord?” Period. Why did he add the phrase, who made heaven and earth? The answer came as I prayed and asked God to help me understand. I was reminded of Genesis 1:1-2: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep…” John 1:3 gives additional information: All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. These verses reminded me that God created the entire universe —everything out of absolutely nothing.

I began to sense a glimmer of hope. Could God take a lifeless marriage relationship and create a new life? In a heart where love seemed to have died, could God create something new? Maybe God could bring life out of what seemed to be formless and void. I began to trust Him for that.

Years have passed since discovering the hidden treasure in this Psalm. God has been faithful in His creative miracle. It didn’t happen overnight. It took a lot of counseling and determination and forgiveness. We had to learn about what had been missing in our marriage in order to improve our relationship. God did not merely restore an old relationship, but He created something brand new. Deep love is now present in our marriage that was not there before. Only God could have done that. My life has been changed forever, and I have an unshakable faith in God.

I have learned that nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). He is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we can ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). I learned the power of prayer. Two of my nieces knew of our situation, and I found out later that they had prayed consistently and specifically for me. She knew that I am a believer in Jesus, and she prayed that I would be convicted by the Holy Spirit every morning about the choice I had made to separate from my husband. Her prayers were specifically answered!

It encourages me to realize that no matter how lost someone seems to be, or how far away from God they have drifted, there is still hope. Don’t give up. Keep praying! The God who made the heavens and the earth still creates miracles! Cry out to Him for help, no matter how impossible the situation seems. Remember that nothing is impossible with Him.


Are you personally struggling with a difficult situation in your life? Or do you know someone whose situation sesems hopeless? How can my story encourage you?

Who can you be praying for that needs a miracle?

5 thoughts on “Where do you turn for help?”

  1. Thank you, Sherrilyn! We continue to pray daily for our son, and for others who need to turn to the Lord. We know God is working, even when we can’t see it.

  2. Love the scripture! Isn’t it interesting how the Holy Spirit works? Opening our eyes at just the right time and helping us remember Gods words. Your story brings hope to many

  3. I remember that time and how we prayed for you both. I also have been amazed to see the strong marriage and love that you have and really know the power of God when I see how you both love and respect each other. I have often thought it would be so good to go to the same intensive 10 day that you did! Might be super helpful and maybe there are others who feel the same way. wonder if it still is a functioning “business” now during this covid19 season. Hope so!

  4. Thank you for sharing transparently from your heart. Your story of victory certainly encourages me to remember that the One who created the heavens and the earth is the same one to Whom I pray.

    Love and gratitude,

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