Worship in Spirit and Truth

Worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.  God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

John 4:23-24

As I came to my office this morning for my time alone with the Lord, I started my prayer with a desire for a deeper heart of love and worship.  There are times that I feel I am just “going through the motions” out of habit or duty.  I’m not satisfied with that, and I’m sure it can’t be pleasing to God if I come to Him with that attitude.  Right away this Scripture in John 4:23-24 came to mind.  It’s a familiar verse to me, but I asked God for a fresh understanding for what it means to “worship in spirit and truth.”  These are the thoughts He brought to mind, and I wrote them in my journal:

Truth is what I know about God from His Word, to know His character, to know what He has done for me by giving His beloved Son Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of the world – for my sins!  To remember who He is, to praise Him, to follow Him.

It is possible to know all of that, and even be doing all that out of obedience.  But God wants my spirit to be connected to Him through the Holy Spirit who lives in me.  I can be doing all the things He has called me to do – writing weekly Bible studies and posting devotional messages.  But if my heart attitude, my spirit, is not aligned completely with Him, it cannot be pleasing to God.  And to me it can become a burden to fulfill the assignments and lead to anxious thoughts about meeting a weekly deadline.  Even Bible reading can become something to check off my to-do list if I am doing it without desiring a true connection with the Lord in my heart and spirit.

            I definitely needed a “heart check-up” today.  I’m so encouraged to read in John 4:24 that God seeks true worshipers.  So, He is initiating that desire in me for deeper worship.  He is calling me to that!  As I ask Him to create in me a deeper heart of worship, I know that is a prayer He will answer!


Can you identify with the need for a “heart check-up?”

Since God desires true worshipers, we can ask Him often to renew that heart of worship.

You may want to write your own prayer expressing your heart attitude, and your desire for a renewed love and worship if you feel the need for that.

2 thoughts on “Worship in Spirit and Truth”

  1. Thank you, dear Sherrilyn, for asking the LORD to give you a deeper heart of love and worship. Thank you for sharing His message to you with us. I can definitely relate and sometimes I feel spiritually numb. How wonderful that God wants to answer a prayer for a deeper heart of love and worship, and will give it to us when we ask. I’ve wanted to live anxiety-free but realized, that it is my anxieties that drive me to Jesus, to fellowship with Him and know Him better. My spiritually numb times can drive me to Him as well. How thankful I am for you and your honesty with us, which blesses me over and over.

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